Friday, January 13, 2006

Million Pixels

Nitin asks:
Are these million pixels for firefox actually going to the mozilla corporation?
Well, I can certainly say they won't be going to the Mozilla Corporation since it doesn't accept donations!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Bugzilla Spam!

I think I've received some very targetted spam from my Bugzilla account:

Dear Gids,

Yoxel Systems is proud to present a demo account showcasing our exciting
on-demand software and IT project management services:

The data used in our Firefox demo account is the actual data from Firefox's Bugzilla
that is represented in a way that allows you to have an alternative way of
viewing and analyzing the current state of the product. You can generate various reports,
graphs and charts which are not provided to anonymous users of the original database

While the purpose of the account is mainly to be a demo vehicle for
Yoxel Systems' services and capabilities we believe the actual content and its
representation could be of certain interest to you.

Happy New Year,
Yoxel Systems Info Team

Yoxel Systems is a privately held ASP company dedicated to developing
intelligent and flexible solutions to optimize and automate project
management and customer support.

If these people have been harvesting Mozilla Bugzilla perhaps someone should be cracking the whip, they could just as easily get legitimate publicity on Mozillazine or the like.

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